A journey only thee can know

A journey only thee can know
The path to which thee surely go,
This path in which thine heart partakes
Will always show a few mistakes.

Mistakes are only life's envision
Taking in the worlds precision,
Learn from each and take thy time
And life for thee shall be sublime.

Thy heart shall love a time or two
And lost loves there may be a few,
But truly youth is on thy side
And someday soon love will abide.

Take control and ride the winds
See life’s ostentatious grins,
Laugh at those who wish you harm
And pray they find their lucky charm.

Compassion came from gentle mom
along with culture, wit, and charm,
From thy father’s guidance true
He gave God’s gift of love to you.

Thine heart is bless’d with riches sweet
Thy goals are set to always meet,
I’m glad this chance I have to say
My love for thee grows more each day.
